Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday is my favorite day of the week.I love going to church and  having an opportunity to worship with my family.
This was one of our worship songs this morning. Thought i'd share it with you. I pray you had a blessed weekend!


  1. Love singing that song. We haven't sung it at church in a while but I'm sure we will pretty soon.

  2. Music can be so uplifting! Oh, and I love that quote from Anne of Green Gables in your header! I just poured a cup of tea and sat down to enjoy blog visiting.

  3. I love music. Sometimes it speaks to my heart when nothing else can. My husband sings on the worship team and I love to hear him practicing at home.

    1. that is so great god bless to AMANDA FROM LAURA pew

  4. And I love the Anne books. I just gave them to my oldest daughter and i'm excited for her to meet everyone:)

  5. hi my name is LAURA u are gods girl
